Fish Guides for Characin Species

Characins are very large group of fish that make up the Order Characiformes. There are at least 1674 species contained in about 270 genera.
A visual clue to a Characin is that it will have an adipose fin. That's the little fin on top behind the dorsal fin and just before the tail. What its purpose is remains a mystery, but many Characins except for a few genera have them. An adipose fin can also be found on several catfish types.
Some other clues to identifying Characins are that, unlike catfish, they don't have any barbels. Barbels are whiskers or antennae type extensions that extend from around the mouth area of some fish. The Characins are also primarily freshwater fish and are most primarily carnivorous, eating proteins of various sorts. But many will also eat some plant matter, so are actually actually omnivores. Of those that are herbivorous Characins, some are Limnivores, ("mud-eaters" or "bio-film grazers"). These fish eat algae, microorganisms and other things growing on the rocks and substrate of their environment.
Characins are generally hardy fish and many are great for the beginner. Most are schooling fish so they do better in a community aquarium with lots of buddies to hang out with. Apart from the predatory species such as the Piranhas, most are peaceful even if carnivorous. They will usually readily accept aquarium foods like flakes and tablets, as well as enjoying supplements of brine shrimp and various types of worms. They usually prefer clear, slightly acidic water with strong currents and highly oxygenated. This can be provided with a strong filter and good surface movement.
The Characin species list below includes popular types, as well lesser known Characin varieties. Each fish guide has a description of the species, its place of origin, habitats and behaviors, as well as fish care to successful maintain them in an aquarium. Fish pictures are also provided within each fish guide to help with identification, and to aid in choosing the best type of Characin for your freshwater fish tank.

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