Vampire Tetra

The Payara Hydrolycus scomberoides is a remarkable characin, but it is not your typical tetra. This is a member of the Cynodontidae family which are called Sabre Toothed Tiger Fish, Dogtooth Characins or Dogteeth Tetras. The Hydrolycus genus consists of four species and collectively they are called PirandirĂ¡, as well as Payara.
Payara are fast and aggressive feeders. One look at the mouth of this fish and there will be no doubt that the Payara is a vicious carnivore. This incredible fish has two large fangs on its lower jaw. These fangs can be 4 to 6 inches long. These two main lower teeth are so long that there are holes in the upper jaw for them to fit into. The Payara are mainly known as a game fish and are prized by fisherman for their fighting ability.
These fish usually swallow their prey whole, but will sometimes chop them into smaller, bite-sized pieces. They get large too, so if you want to keep one as a pet, be prepared to have a very high feeder fish bill. This fish can reach up to about 4 feet (117 cm) in length with a weight of up to 40 lbs (18 kg), though aquarium specimens usually reach only about 12 inches. Its appearance and behavior of this have led to the common names of Vampire Tetra, Vampire Characin, Payara Characin, and Sabre Toothed Tiger Fish.
The Payara can be kept in a large aquarium, but it takes a lot of work by a very advanced hobbyist to accomplish this. They are occasionally available and will readily adapt to aquarium life, but they are most often short lived. They often only survive for six months to a year, with just a few having been reported to live up to two years. Their diet and their need for a top quality environment play into this. The Vampire Characin needs to have a varied diet to provide the necessary nutrients, so just feeding goldfish is inadequate. Sometimes Payara also refuse to feed and it seems that once they reach about 12 inches they mysteriously die.
It takes an extremely large aquarium to support a school of Payara. Young specimens will loosely school with their own kind in the aquarium. Adults are voracious predators and should be kept alone. Although they school loosely in the wild, they become less tolerant with a crowd. They are also not good community fish when mature. As a matter of fact, in nature the bulk of their natural food is the Piranha. Payara also need optimal water conditions in captivity. In the wild these fish seem to have different environments, depending on their age. Younger fish will avoid areas where there is strong water flow, but mature specimens seem to move into waters with faster water currents. So providing different environments as they age, as well as a large variety of prey, takes the right type of dedicated hobbyist.

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